Guest author, Sofia Scalia, asks, "Can we know the unknowable and therefore prove God’s existence?" She discusses the function of theistic proofs and their limitations.
With the recent ban on abortion becoming law in the Bible Belt states, I have researched this important question.
To the dismay of Christian apologists, this book of erotic poetry found its way into the Bible. Oops.
How the "right" weaponized religion to gain political power.
Christians argue this “father of history” proves the ancients were capable of recording events accurately.
Is there an official definition of what constitutes a cult? Yes! Just for fun, let’s see if Christianity qualifies.
Christians love wearing that ubiquitous symbol of torture and death around their neck. But what if it wasn't a cross?
There are many examples of those willing to die for their religious beliefs. But does it make those beliefs true?
In Part 5, I examine Jesus’ claims and promises about faith. But is there evidence for these claims? And did he keep his promises?
In Part 4, I search for what Jesus had to say about the important subjects of sexuality, marriage, divorce and family.
In Part 3, I search for what the very Jewish Jesus had to say about the many non-Jewish cultures, religions and ethnicities living in the region.
In Part 2 of this series I look at what the Jewish moral philosopher had to say about the greatest moral issue human in history.